We analyzed the effectiveness of Cathartic Realism in reducing PTSD and depression, focusing primarily on PTSD severity and depression levels. Secondary measures included assessments of personality structure, sense of self, relationships, emotional tolerance, and regulation, recognizing that early trauma significantly impacts these capacities. PTSD was diagnosed by a board-certified psychiatrist and confirmed with the Davidson Trauma Scale, a well-validated tool for diagnosis and treatment.
I believe the treatment as offered by the renown psychiatrist Bessel Van Der Kolk MD is the most Evidenced based treatment for those afflicted with the anxiety, depression and the panoply of associated outgrowths of unresolved trauma. One of his treatment modalities that he espouses as a particular powerful mode of treatment is drama therapy. In his best selling book The Body Keeps Score he dedicates a chapter in how drama is so helpful in the treatment of PTSD. He provides several examples of different styles of using theatre to treat the underlying trauma in a more authentic way.
He proceeds to lay out several styles of psycho-drama and how each one in medical terms can help mitigate the negative consequences of trauma. “Traumatized people are terrified to feel deeply. They are afraid to experience their emotions, because emotions lead to loss of control. In contact, theater is about embodying emotions, giving voice to them; becoming rhythmically engaged, taking on and embodying different roles.
This takes us to Cathartic Realism in which the tides of trauma we hope will be challenged through this form of film providing relief to those afflicted with infection of trauma. We will gather data to empirically examine the benefit of this form of drama therapy as we begin the venture. We hope to show through this examination of the before and after using this form of film that we believe should be designated as a form of therapy will scientifically measure and prove its worth to belong as one of many forms of treatment treating PTSD.
For example, he writes the following, “all these programs share a common foundation : confrontation of the painful realities of life and symbolic transformation through communal action. Love and hate, aggression and surrender, loyalty and betrayal are the stuff of trauma. As a culture we are trained to cut ourselves off from the truth of what we are feeling….Training actors involves training people to go against that tendency - not only to feel deeply, but to convey that feeling at every moment to the audience, so the audience will get it and close off against it”.
Over my career which spans over 30 yrs of examining psychological wounds that result from a variety of etiologies but foremost has been the result of trauma. Trauma as narrowly defined in the Diagnostic Statistical Manual and trauma as more broadly defined as for example, Relational Trauma is in the studies of Neuro-Psychodrama. I think we may have gone full circle here where the treatment modalities that have a more proven record of success In treating such pathology as PTSD, is therapies such as family, Cognitive Behavioral Treatment, Occupational therapy, art therapy , music therapy and psychotherapy such as Internal Family System. Medications has its role, but limited role at best in the treatment of PTSD.